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Top 4 health risks for men
Health and Fitness

Top 4 health risks for men

If you’re a man, until you hit your late 30s, health issues are the last thing on your mind. When they do start nagging you, you begin off small; let’s say with an aching back or a knee. However, with age, health concerns shift to bigger problems such as cancer, erectile dysfunction, heart diseases and even dementia, which is on the rise today.
8 skincare do’s and dont’s for men
Health and Fitness

8 skincare do’s and dont’s for men

Skincare usually doesn’t feature anywhere in men’s health, but it is an equally important part of it. While men don’t need to clock hours in front of the mirror and dab facial products, they certainly need to follow some skin care regimes that will leave them with a fresher, better-looking skin.
Yoga poses to beat erectile dysfunction
Health and Fitness

Yoga poses to beat erectile dysfunction

Statistics say that close to 52% of the men across the globe have erection-related issues, with around 40% of American men reporting erection difficulties at the shocking age of 40. This is one of the major men’s health issues that needs immediate attention. Sadly, the number could be higher because of the sensitivity of the subject.
How is schizophrenia treated?
Health and Fitness

How is schizophrenia treated?

Schizophrenia is one of the most disruptive chronic mental disorders. Neither are the causes known nor are there any known cures. It causes untold anxiety and disruption in the family. It is by no means easy for any family to make the needed commitment and pay the required attention to the patient forever.
Seven simple preventive maintenance steps for home gym equipment
Gym Exercises

Seven simple preventive maintenance steps for home gym equipment

Preventive maintenance helps in saving equipment from running into unexpected faults, whether it’s home gym equipment or something else. Moreover, it helps the equipment to stay in operation for a longer time. This form of maintenance is done when the equipment is still in operation and hasn’t been put on hold.
What to consider when buying a treadmill?
Gym Exercises

What to consider when buying a treadmill?

Modern living has numerous benefits with technology making tasks simpler and quicker. However, with all this comfort comes a host of problems. Lack of physical activity is one. Today, jobs are largely desk-based, forcing people to spend hours sitting in one position. This causes numerous health problems, not the least of which is a bad back.
Atkins diet for weight loss
Diet Plans

Atkins diet for weight loss

Everyone wants to look good and fit in their best pair of jeans. But if you are overweight, it takes a lot of effort to shed those extra pounds. Along with a good workout session, you also need to eat healthy to lose weight effectively. When we talk about eating healthy, many people get confused about what to eat and what to avoid.
Types of treatment available for metastatic prostate cancer

Types of treatment available for metastatic prostate cancer

Prostate cancer that has reached its stage IV or metastatic state is treatable but unfortunately not curable. Metastatic prostate cancer can usually be treated by standard therapies such as hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy. Using these treatments over a period of time, metastatic prostate cancer can be controlled for several years.
Get back to basics with the Paleo diet
Diet Plans

Get back to basics with the Paleo diet

Humans have created a long list of diets in the quest to stay healthy. Low-carb, low-calorie, low-fat and high-protein are just a few examples. Yet, there is one diet that includes foods our systems were designed to sync with, the paleo diet. It’s based on foods thought to have been available during the Paleolithic period.
Everything you need to know about epilepsy

Everything you need to know about epilepsy

Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain that has consequences wherein a person suffers from seizures and periods of unusual behavior. It is particularly the disruption of the functioning of the nerve cell activity in the brain and can also lead to a loss of consciousness for long periods of time.
A look at the 7 stages of dementia

A look at the 7 stages of dementia

In most cases, dementia has a very slow rate of progression. Though there is no cure for this syndrome, getting the right medication can help make day to day life more comfortable for the patient and slow down the advancement of dementia. Dementia is often discussed with regard to its stages.
Top five benefits of high-carb diet plan
Health and Fitness

Top five benefits of high-carb diet plan

While many individuals feel that reducing carbohydrates in their diet will reduce their weight, it often does not work well. In fact, researches have proved that a healthy weight can be maintained by having a healthy diet, and it is not healthy to exclude an important component of food from the diet.

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